Tag Archives: Leviticus

Disney Question Time

29 Jun

Hello Disney Friends!  Its Disney question time again!  I have received so many more emails that I am ashamed that I have not gotten more of them answered, so let’s get on with the show.

Question #1 – Andy asked “Brad, do you ever take any days while you are at Disney and go to any of the other theme parks like Universal, or Sea World?”

Well Andy, the truth is, I would kind of like to go to Universal and see the new Harry Potter land they have built there, and I love the Marvel characters and would love to see the Spiderman Ride and the Hulk rollercoaster, but my love for Disney is so strong, it just won’t let me leave the parks while I’m there.  So no, I have never visited these other parks yet.  Maybe someday though!

Question #2 – Sherry wrote, “Ok Brad, who is your favorite Princess?  Mine is Jasmine!

Well Sherry, I am proud to say that my all time favorite Disney Princess is and always will be Ariel, the Little Mermaid.  Ariel has held a special place in my heart since I first saw her movie many years ago.  Belle comes a close second for me, but Ariel just has so many cool characteristics that I like about her, and to me, even though she is a mermaid, she is the most human to me.

Question #3 – Dave wrote it and asked, “Hi Brad.   Great blog.  I can’t believe that you keep it as updated as you do.  I love that I can subscribe to your blog and get an email whenever you post new things.  So on to my question.  I am going to visit Florida for a business trip and can only spend one day in one park.  Which park should I choose?  I am more of geek and not huge on thrill rides.  Thanks for the great blog.”

Thank you very much Dave.  Yes I now have over 65 subscribers to my site and it is amazing to me the number of people who have read my blog so far.  The farthest country to be represented by readers so far is Australia!  On to your question.  If I were you, without a doubt, I would spend the day at Epcot.  Great food, great attractions that are not so much on the daredevil side, although Mission Space is one I have to avoid because it is just too hard on my body!  There is so much to see and do at Epcot that you will find yourself going nonstop the entire day!  I hope you enjoy yourself wherever you end up Dave!

Question #4 – Tobias asked, “Hi Brad.  I have a child who has to eat gluten free food.  It is incredibly hard for him to eat at theme parks and so few of them even have gluten free options.  Does Disney offer gluten free food choices?”

Yes! Yes! Yes!  They most certainly do offer gluten free food choices!  Not every place has gluten free choices, for example most of the food carts do not have gluten free choices, but most certainly every single sit down restaurant now offers gluten free food choices.  Just make sure you let your waitress/waiter know the minute you sit down that you need to see their gluten free menu.

And finally Question #5 – Emily wrote in to ask, “Hey there Brad.  Glad to see we are not the only family from Indiana who loves Disney!  My question for you is this, what are your suggestions for some great midday activities that I can take my kids to when we are taking a break from the parks?”

Well Emily, my favorite and my families favorite thing to do is shop, so we head over to Downtown Disney and shop till our hearts are content.  But if you are more budget minded, I would suggest Winter Summerland putt putt golf as a great way to spend an afternoon.  Kids love putt putt and Winter Summerland is well themed and is just the right difficulty for all ages.  There is also the resort swimming pools to take a dip in, as well as the bike and boat tours that are offered at all resorts.

Ok gang, that’s all for this busy Friday!  Thanks for spending some time with me here and look for more of your questions to get answered this weekend!  Have a truly magical day and I’ll see ya back here real soon!
